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CRP Seed Mixes


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CRP Order Form
Iowa CRP

Iowa CRP mixes are specifically designed to meet the Iowa Conservation Reserve Program standards. Each state has standards specific to their own state. It is important to purchase seed mixes that satisfy your specific seeding plan. If in doubt on what to purchase or you have questions, don't hesitate to call one of our seed consultants for a free consultation.

"Forever Beautiful" - Tall Grass/Wildflower Mix
Iowa Mesic CP 25

8 Grasses / 15 Wildflowers / #2144

Designed to restore your rare and declining habitat areas, this prairie mix has cool season grasses for early spring grazing by birds combined with short and tall warm season grasses that provide excellent nesting material and cover. It also features a beautiful display of wildflowers that are host to a high population of insects. That's important for baby chicks because insects are their only food during a chick's first 4-6 weeks of life. This is a full-spectrum mix, value priced by Prairie Seed Farms for Iowa CRP acres—at significant savings! A consumer mix with grasses and wildflowers comparable to "Forever Beautiful" would be priced at more than $1000 an acre in most in-home catalogs!

Product CodePrice p/Acre

#2144/a1Up to 10 - Call For Pricing

#2144/a2Up to 25 - Call For Pricing

#2144/a325+ acres - Call For Pricing

"Forever Beautiful PLUS" - Tall Grass/Wildflower Mix
Iowa Mesic CP 25
9 Grasses / 15 Wildflowers / #2096

This prairie mix is a blessing for birds, giving them a stiff house of switchgrass for shelter against harsh winter weather while restoring your rare and declining habitat areas. To make "Forever Beautiful PLUS" so bird-friendly, we include a short statue-type switchgrass in addition to all of the other select species found in Forever Beautiful (#2144), giving you the same cool season grasses for early spring grazing by birds combined with short and tall warm season grasses.

Product CodePrice p/Acre

#2096/a1Up to 10 - Call For Pricing

#2096/a2Up to 25 - Call For Pricing

#2096/a325+ acres - Call For Pricing

"Beautiful Value" Tall Grass/Wildflower Mix
Iowa Mesic CP 2
8 grasses / 6 Wildflowers / #2220

If you're looking to stretch your seed dollars a bit, this tall grass mix really goes the distance. It gives you both cool-season and warm-season grasses combined with wildflowers for beautiful restorative value. While Beautiful Value gives you the same total number of seeds as "Forever Beautiful," they're contained in a reduced number of species for economy (6 wildflowers vs. 15). Dollar for dollar, Beautiful Value is a great mix that still provides for a great prairie look with abundant early spring grazing by birds and excellent nesting material and cover.

Product CodePrice p/Acre

#2220/a1Up to 10 - Call For Pricing

#2220/a2Up to 25 - Call For Pricing

#2220/a325+ acres - Call For Pricing

"Beautiful Value Plus" Tall Grass/Wildflower Mix
Iowa Mesic CP 2
9 grasses / 6 Wildflowers / #2219

In Beautiful Value Plus, we include a short statue-type switchgrass in addition to all of the other select species found in Beautiful Value (PSF #CP2-01-IA). So birds get a stiff house of switchgrass for shelter against harsh winter weather in a mix that still stretches your prairie seed dollars. Still a great mix value, you'll get six terrific wildflower species in a bird-friendly mix of cool season grasses for early spring grazing combined with short and tall warm season grasses for bird cover and nesting material.


Product CodePrice p/Acre

#2219/a1Up to 10 - Call For Pricing

#2219/a2Up to 25 - Call For Pricing

#2219/a325+ acres - Call For Pricing

"Quail Heaven" Tall Grass Mix
Iowa Bobwhite Quail Habitat CP 33
7 Grasses / 11 Wildflowers / #2234

Each species in this mix was intentionally selected in accordance with the unique nesting and growing needs of the Bobwhite quail. Every seed known to be important to the diet of quail is included. Quail Heaven has an astounding array of grasses—short and tall, cool and warm season—to provide all the nesting material and the ultimate habitat cover that quail need to thrive. Ten different wildflower species make for a gorgeous prairie display that supports all the insects that quail chicks need for food at every stage of their growth. This is heaven for quail.   

Product CodePrice p/Acre

#2234/a1Up to 10 - Call For Pricing

#2234/a2Up to 25 - Call For Pricing

#2234/a325+ acres - Call For Pricing

"Great Grass" Grass Only Mix
8 Grasses / #1373

Try this heavy dose of prairie grasses when you're not quite ready to splurge with wildflowers (forbs). It meets Iowa NRCS requirements for grass only, and it's an excellent choice if some 2,4-D spraying needs to be done later to eliminate some nasty perennial weeds. Adding fifty pounds of nitrogen per acre after it is established makes a thick under and upper story to filter out dust and noise along a busy road while adding a pleasing asthetic look. It's deer-friendly too, because deer love to hide and sleep in thick stands of prairie grasses. (include?): For increased winter cover, Switchgrass can be purchased separately from the individual species price list and added to this mix.

Product CodePrice p/Acre

#1373/a1Up to 10 - Call For Pricing

#1373/a2Up to 25 - Call For Pricing

#1373/a325+ acres - Call For Pricing

Illinois CRP

Illinois CRP mixes are specifically designed to meet the Illinois Conservation Reserve Program standards. Each state has standards specific to their own state. It is important to purchase seed mixes that satisfy your specific seeding plan. If in doubt on what to purchase or you have questions, don't hesitate to call one of our seed consultants for a free consultation.

"Pheasant Country" - Tall Grass/Wildflower Mix
Illinois CP 2 - Erosion
5 Grasses / 5 Wildflowers / #2223

This is an attracting blend of tall prairie grasses with a heavy dose of wildflowers (forbs), predominately nitrogen-producing legumes, which will attract and host a large population of insects. With more insects, there are more peasant chicks. It’s that simple, because baby chicks only diet their first 4-6 weeks of life is... insects, of course.


Product CodePrice p/Acre

#2223/a1Up to 10 - Call For Pricing

#2223/a2Up to 25 - Call For Pricing

#2223/a325+ acres - Call For Pricing

"Quail Paradise" - Tall Grass/Wildflower Mix
Illinois CP 2 - Erosion
7 Grasses / 5 Wildflowers / #2222

This mix provides early grazing with a cool-season grass, while short statue bunch warm-season grasses provide the open ground area so important for the tiny Quail chicks. And the quail get all the cover protection and nesting material they need. This mix will stand like an oak tree during the winter blizzards. A wonderful splash of wildflowers (forbs) generates tons of insects to assure that chicks stay fat and healthy. Don’t try to buy this mix out of a consumer prairie catalog unless you’re prepared to pay several hundred dollars per acre!

Product CodePrice p/Acre

#2222/a1Up to 10 - Call For Pricing

#2222/a2Up to 25 - Call For Pricing

#2222/a325+ acres - Call For Pricing

"Beautiful Value" Tall Grass/Wildflower Mix
Iowa Mesic CP 2
8 grasses / 6 Wildflowers / #2220

If you're looking to stretch your seed dollars a bit, this tall grass mix really goes the distance. It gives you both cool-season and warm-season grasses combined with wildflowers for beautiful restorative value. While Beautiful Value gives you the same total number of seeds as "Forever Beautiful," they're contained in a reduced number of species for economy (6 wildflowers vs. 15). Dollar for dollar, Beautiful Value is a great mix that still provides for a great prairie look with abundant early spring grazing by birds and excellent nesting material and cover.

Product CodePrice p/Acre

#2220/a1Up to 10 - Call For Pricing

#2220/a2Up to 25 - Call For Pricing

#2220/a325+ acres - Call For Pricing

"Farmer's Choice" - Introduced Species Mix
Illinois CP 1-02
4 Grasses / #2221

Features three cool-season grasses that have been the farmer’s choice almost forever—offering great species diversity. One is an extremely early bunch grass, the second is a medium-maturity sod former, and the third is a late-maturing grass. They’re combined with your choice of an early flowering legume (alfalfa) and a late flowering legume (red clover) to bring in the insects by the droves for the chicks. You cannot go wrong with either the modern, disease-resistant alfalfa or the red clover legumes available in Farmers Choice. They’re two of the most popular, time-tested legumes ever—chosen by farmers over 90% of the time for their hay fields. Order “Farmers Choice” to get a no-worry, can’t go wrong field like most farmers are using right beside your field—without paying $6 per pound to get them!


Product CodePrice p/Acre

#2221/a1Up to 10 - Call For Pricing

#2221//a2Up to 25 - Call For Pricing

#2221//a325+ acres - Call For Pricing

"Bird Feed Factory" - Introduced Species Mix
Illinois CP 1-05

4 Grasses / #2226

This mix is specifically designed for the southern 2/3 of Illinois, where the annual legume, Korean Lespedeza, blooms profusely in the summer (a baby chick’s dreamland) and produces tons of grain just in time to fatten up the birds for hunting season. With these characteristics, it supports a huge population of birds, so most will escape the hunters’ guns and be real fat going into the winter, ready to be population multipliers next season.


Product CodePrice p/Acre

#2226/a1Up to 10 - Call For Pricing

#2226/a2Up to 25 - Call For Pricing

#2226/a325+ acres - Call For Pricing

"Full Service Quail Hotel" - Tall Grass/Wildflower Mix
Illinois CP33 - Wildlife
7 Grasses / 10 Wildflowers / #2225

Quail can’t get it any better than this! Plant it as a border around your crop fields, and they’ll have perfect nesting and winter shelter as they glean the row crop field all fall and winter—wow! They’ll sure be fat by hunting season and ready for a long winter. This mix includes a cool-season grass to provide early cover, grazing, and fresh, tender nesting material. Warm season short bunch grasses are research proven to provide the openness at ground level that is so critical for the baby checks to maneuver around in. This mix will hold up the snow to provide a warm haven for shelter. Includes a wildflower (forb) combination that is tall and short, legumes and non-legumes. They’re easy establishers that will draw in tasty insects not only for the baby chicks but for hens as well.


Product CodePrice p/Acre

#2225/a1Up to 10 - Call For Pricing

#2225/a2Up to 25 - Call For Pricing

#2225/a325+ acres - Call For Pricing

"Pheasant Resort" - Tall Grass/Wildflower Mix
Illinois CP33 - Wildlife
7 Grasses / 10 Wildflowers / #2224

What a delight for pheasants! This mix provides a nesting castle and a winter stronghold surrounding a crop field full of grain—it’s any pheasant’s dream come true. Provides an early-season grass for early cover and nesting. And it includes just the right amount of warm-season bunch grasses to provide open ground area for baby chicks and switch grass that stands as strong as a light pole and spreads eagle like a shrub to give pheasants the protection of a Hotel Hilton! A heavy dose of wildflowers (forbs) and mostly legumes generates insects like crazy, so the baby chicks have plenty to eat. Order this mix today, empty the freezer, and get ready to stock it with fat, juicy pheasants next hunting season!  

Product CodePrice p/Acre

#2224/a1Up to 10 - Call For Pricing

#2224/a2Up to 25 - Call For Pricing

#2224/a325+ acres - Call For Pricing

Indiana CRP

We are in the process of adding to our inventory and online pricing is not available at this time.


If you have questions, feel free to contact us TOLL-FREE at:

1-800-LUCAS 88 / 1-800-582-2788

Minnesota CRP

Minnesota CRP mixes are specifically designed to meet the Minnesota Conservation Reserve Program standards. Each state has standards specific to their own state. It is important to purchase seed mixes that satisfy your specific seeding plan. If in doubt on what to purchase or you have questions, don't hesitate to call one of our seed consultants for a free consultation.

"Prairie Sun" - Tall Grass/Wildflower Mix
Minnesota Mesic CP 25
7 Grasses / 10 Wildflowers / PSF #CP25-MN

A broad-spectrum prairie grass and wildflower mix for sites with full sun and medium to dry soils. Our mix contains short to tall grasses accenting the wildflowers and also fighting off the weeds, giving you a beautiful prairie. This mix provides habitat for rare and declining wildlife species by restoring, conserving, and increasing the diversity of native plant communities. The more grasses and forbs (wildflowers), the more diverse a mix you have to attract wildlife. These mixes provide a food source for baby chicks and adults by drawing insects into the wildflowers. The first 6 weeks of a baby chick’s diet consist of only insects.


Product CodePrice p/Acre

CP25-MN/a1Up to 9.9 - Call For Pricing

CP25-MN/a2Up to 24.9 - Call For Pricing

CP25-MN/a325+ acres - Call For Pricing

"Native Beauty" - Tall Grass/Wildflower Mix
Minnesota Mesic CP 25
5 Grasses / 15 Wildflowers / PSF #CP25-01-MN

This contains some of the most beautiful and beneficial wildflowers, not to mention this also provides habitat for rare and declining wildlife species by restoring, conserving, and increasing the diversity of native plant communities. The more grasses and forbs (wildflowers), the more diverse a mix you have to attract wildlife. There are tall mixes and short mixes. Tall mixes are going to provide cover for pheasants, turkeys, and deer, while your short mixes will provide cover for pheasants, quail, and prairie airie chickens. These mixes provide a food source for the baby chicks by drawing insects into the wildflowers and also feeding adult birds and other wildlife.


Product CodePrice p/Acre

CP25-01-MN/a1Up to 9.9 - Call For Pricing

CP25-01-MN/a2Up to 24.9 - Call For Pricing

CP25-01-MN/a325+ acres - Call For Pricing

Ohio CRP

Ohio CRP mixes are specifically designed to meet the Ohio Conservation Reserve Program standards. Each state has standards specific to their own state. It is important to purchase seed mixes that satisfy your specific seeding plan. If in doubt on what to purchase or you have questions, don't hesitate to call one of our seed consultants for a free consultation.

"Farmer's Friend" - Cool Season Grass Mix
3 Grasses / 3 Legumes / #2231

This is an attracting blend of tall prairie grasses with a heavy dose of wildflowers (forbs), predominately nitrogen-producing legumes, which will attract and host a large population of insects. With more insects, there are more peasant chicks. It’s that simple, because baby chicks only diet their first 4-6 weeks of life is... insects, of course.

Product CodePrice p/Acre

#2231/a1Up to 9.9 - Call For Pricing

#2231/a2Up to 24.9 - Call For Pricing

#2231/a325+ acres - Call For Pricing

"Farmer's Value" - Cool Season Grass Mix
1 Grass / 2 Legumes / #2230

Farmers Value gives you an economical alternative for CREP ground in a mix that's still very friendly to wildlife. We've combined orchardgrass, the cool-season old reliable, with two clovers that will attract insects to support birds' baby chicks with plenty of food during their growing season. Farmer's Value gives you all the basic characteristics you need at a price that's easy on the pocketbook.


Product CodePrice p/Acre

#2230/a1Up to 9.9 - Call For Pricing

#2230/a2Up to 24.9 - Call For Pricing

#2230/a325+ acres - Call For Pricing

"Prairie Delight" - Tall Grass & Wildflower Mix
5 Grasses / 2 wildflowers / #2082

Features three cool-season grasses that have been the farmer’s choice almost forever—offering great species diversity. One is an extremely early bunch grass, the second is a medium-maturity sod former, and the third is a late-maturing grass. They’re combined with your choice of an early flowering legume (alfalfa) and a late flowering legume (red clover) to bring in the insects by the droves for the chicks. You cannot go wrong with either the modern, disease-resistant alfalfa or the red clover legumes available in Farmers Choice. They’re two of the most popular, time-tested legumes ever—chosen by farmers over 90% of the time for their hay fields. Order “Farmers Choice” to get a no-worry, can’t go wrong field like most farmers are using right beside your field—without paying $6 per pound to get them!


Product CodePrice p/Acre

#2282/a1Up to 9.9 - Call For Pricing

#2282/a2Up to 24.9 - Call For Pricing

#2282/a325+ - Call For Pricing

"Practical Prairie" - Grass & Wildflower Mix
4 Grasses / 2 Wildflowers / #2228

This mix is specifically designed for the southern 2/3 of Illinois, where the annual legume, Korean Lespedeza, blooms profusely in the summer (a baby chick’s dreamland) and produces tons of grain just in time to fatten up the birds for hunting season. With these characteristics, it supports a huge population of birds, so most will escape the hunters’ guns and be real fat going into the winter, ready to be population multipliers next season.



Product CodePrice p/Acre

#2228/a1Up to 9.9 - Call For Pricing

#2228/a2Up to 24.9 - Call For Pricing

#2228/a325+ - Call For Pricing

"Prairie Pleasure" - Grass & Wildflower Mix
OHIO CREP CP 2/21 Mix #5
4 Grasses / 5 Wildflowers #2233

An astounding display of colorful wildflowers highlights this balanced mix, specially formulated to meet Ohio CREP requirements. The attractive wildflowers play host to a wide variety of insect species. That's critical for baby chicks because insects are their only food during a chick's first 4-6 weeks of life. Supplementing the wildflowers are four short and tall warm-season grasses that provide wildlife with nesting material and a sturdy shelter against harsh winter weather and winds. With this mix, it's a pleasure to manage a prairie so advantageous for the land and wildlife.


Product CodePrice p/Acre

#2223/a1Up to 9.9 - Call For Pricing

#2223/a2Up to 24.9 - Call For Pricing

#2223/a325+ acres - Call For Pricing

"Prairie Supreme" - Cool Season Grass Mix
OHIO CREP Marion Co. CP 2
4 Grasses / 5 Wildflowers / #2087

What a delight for pheasants! This mix provides a nesting castle and a winter stronghold surrounding a crop field full of grain—it’s any pheasant’s dream come true. Provides an early-season grass for early cover and nesting. And it includes just the right amount of warm-season bunch grasses to provide open ground area for baby chicks and switch grass that stands as strong as a light pole and spreads eagle like a shrub to give pheasants the protection of a Hotel Hilton! A heavy dose of wildflowers (forbs) and mostly legumes generates insects like crazy, so the baby chicks have plenty to eat. Order this mix today, empty the freezer, and get ready to stock it with fat, juicy pheasants next hunting season!


Product CodePrice p/Acre

#2087/a1Up to 9.9 - Call For Pricing

#2087/a2Up to 24.9 - Call For Pricing

#2087/a325+ acres - Call For Pricing

Wisconsin CRP

Wisconsin CRP mixes are specifically designed to meet the Wisconsin Conservation Reserve Program standards. Each state has standards specific to their own state. It is important to purchase seed mixes that satisfy your specific seeding plan. If in doubt on what to purchase or you have questions, don't hesitate to call one of our seed consultants for a free consultation.

"Wildlife Paradise" - Tall Grass/Wildflower Mix
Wisconsin Mesic CP 25
5 Grasses / 13 Wildflowers / PSF #CP25-WI

A broad-spectrum prairie grass and wildflower mix for sites with full sun and medium to dry soils. This mix provides habitat for rare and declining wildlife species by restoring, conserving, and increasing the diversity of native plant communities. The more grasses and forbs (wildflowers), the more diverse a mix you have to attract wildlife. There are tall mixes and short mixes. Tall mixes are going to provide cover for pheasants, turkeys, and deer, while your short mixes will provide cover for pheasants, quail, and prairie airie chickens. These mixes provide a food source for the baby chicks by drawing insects to the wildflowers, also feeding adult birds and other wildlife.     

Product CodePrice p/Acre

CP25-WI/a1Up to 9.9 - Call For Pricing

CP25-WI/a2Up to 24.9 - Call For Pricing

CP25-WI/a325+ acres - Call For Pricing

"Birdland Buffer" - Tall Grass/Wildflower Mix
Wisconsin Mesic CP 33
4 Grasses / 7 Wildflowers / PSF #CP33-01-WI

Upland habitat buffers are field borders planted around crop fields to provide food and cover for quail, pheasant, and other wildlife. Grassland-dependent bird species have suffered significant population declines due primarily to the loss of habitat. Adding more species of grasses and forbs (wildflowers) will increase population and variety of species. These mixes provide a food source for the baby chicks by drawing insects into the wildflowers and also feeding adult birds and other wildlife.


Product CodePrice p/Acre

CP33-01-WI/a1Up to 9.9 - Call For Pricing

CP33-01-WI/a2Up to 24.9 - Call For Pricing

CP33-01-WI/a325+ acres - Call For Pricing

Custom CRP

Prairie Seed Farms Custom CRP Mixes are specifically designed to meet your state's Conservation Reserve Program standards. Each state has standards specific to their own state. It is important to purchase seed mixes that satisfy your specific seeding plan.

If we don't have a mix for your state, don't hesitate to call one of our seed consultants for a free consultation.

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